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The Kitchen
Tickle the pear and you'll find yourself knee-deep in House Elves before you can blink. Located right beside the Hufflepuff Common Room and directly under the Great Hall, it contains tables identical to those in the Great Hall. It is staffed by over 100 house-elves.
Tickle the pear and you'll find yourself knee-deep in House Elves before you can blink. Located right beside the Hufflepuff Common Room and directly under the Great Hall, it contains tables identical to those in the Great Hall. It is staffed by over 100 house-elves.
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Hufflepuff Common Room
This is where the Hufflepuff students belong. Their house colors blue and yellow are on display. Should someone try to access the dorm by tapping the wrong barrel or wrong rhythm, they will be doused with vinegar.
This is where the Hufflepuff students belong. Their house colors blue and yellow are on display. Should someone try to access the dorm by tapping the wrong barrel or wrong rhythm, they will be doused with vinegar.
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Empty Classroom
Down here in the dungeons, these classrooms are cold and creepy but no teachers use them.
Down here in the dungeons, these classrooms are cold and creepy but no teachers use them.
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Slytherin Common Room
This is where the Slytherins are housed their house colors, green and silver are on display.
This is where the Slytherins are housed their house colors, green and silver are on display.
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Potions Classroom
This is where the Potions Professor holds classes for all students. In the floor of the Potion's Classroom, through a trapdoor in the floor, is a storage basement for cauldrons, ingredients, and vials.
This is where the Potions Professor holds classes for all students. In the floor of the Potion's Classroom, through a trapdoor in the floor, is a storage basement for cauldrons, ingredients, and vials.
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The lowest, darkest part of the Castle, Unless you count classes, no torture goes on down here.
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