Third Floor


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Third Floor Corridor
Hang here between classes if you like or just use it to get to class.
Hang here between classes if you like or just use it to get to class.
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There are always students here, whether it be for a quiet area, to do some studying, or to make out in the corner, the library is wonderful! The entrance to the library is on the third floor, though it is two stories high. The restricted section is located on the second level. Shhh. You're supposed to be studying!
There are always students here, whether it be for a quiet area, to do some studying, or to make out in the corner, the library is wonderful! The entrance to the library is on the third floor, though it is two stories high. The restricted section is located on the second level. Shhh. You're supposed to be studying!
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Charms Classroom
The Charms Classroom has three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, learn all the charms to help you become a greate wizard.
The Charms Classroom has three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, learn all the charms to help you become a greate wizard.
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created by Admin River House Cup
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last post created Sept 21, 2020 22:00:26 GMT
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