Ground Floor


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Entrance Hall
This is the very first thing the students see when entering the castle. Stained glass windows, the large staircase and various wings leading off elsewhere.
This is the very first thing the students see when entering the castle. Stained glass windows, the large staircase and various wings leading off elsewhere.
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Great Hall
Breakfast, lunch dinner, and the occasional feasts and balls are held here. The two-story ceiling is bewitched to match the sky and candles hover in the air. Four house tables are lined up once you walk in.
Breakfast, lunch dinner, and the occasional feasts and balls are held here. The two-story ceiling is bewitched to match the sky and candles hover in the air. Four house tables are lined up once you walk in.
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Staff Room
This is where all the Hogwarts Staff generally hang about. Come here for coffee, to grade papers, or gossip. It's guarded by two large gargoyles to fend off students.
This is where all the Hogwarts Staff generally hang about. Come here for coffee, to grade papers, or gossip. It's guarded by two large gargoyles to fend off students.
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Broom Cuboard
A large closet where school brooms are stored. Though not just brooms have been round inside.
A large closet where school brooms are stored. Though not just brooms have been round inside.
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Caretakers Office
If you've landed in trouble with the caretaker, odds are you're getting detention. Lots of it.
If you've landed in trouble with the caretaker, odds are you're getting detention. Lots of it.
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The first thing you will be greeted with when coming to Hogwarts. Stained glass windows, the large staircase and various wings leading off elsewhere. Located here are the main stairs and the ever famous great hall.
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